Friday, June 8, 2018

Tutorial C# Rotate GMAP.NET Marker from Heading IMU or digital Compass

If you have a marker on Google Map which moves on a flight path/ road track but you want it to rotate when it turns. To rotate the image marker Icon from GMap.NET C#, in first create new class, add public class function named "GMapMarkerPlane"

For icon picture, create the icon and add it into resource folder.

              private readonly Bitmap icon = Resources.planetracker;

In the declaration, create new layer name from GMapOverlay:

             public static GMapOverlay routesoverlay;

Next, in main form create new layer and add it to the gmap:

            routesoverlay = new GMapOverlay("routes");

and then, add the code below in the GPS heading function (use timer 1 second or more):


            // Get the most up-to-date data received from the sensor.
            var curMeas = vn200.CurrentMeasurements;

            PointLatLng point = new PointLatLng((float)curMeas.LatitudeLongitudeAltitude.X,
            gMap.Position = point;

            var plane = new GMapMarkerPlane(point, (float)curMeas.YawPitchRoll.YawInDegs);

and finally, the Plane Marker heading will following your heading data sensor.

Keyword: Rotate GMap.NET marker, C#, heading Marker, IMU, google map marker, GPS tracking heading marker.


  1. Excellent.. I was searching for this

  2. Does anyone have any idea how to place the picture I added in the center of the coordinate I showed?

  3. I can rotate the photo. There is no problem with that. but it was not centered in the coordinate I wanted. For example, the point I want is 0.0 but it always stands on it.

  4. u never said what vn200 is what is it ?

    1. "vn200.CurrentMeasurements" is the heading data from IMU sensor V200 from Vectorav.
