Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Geotagging Nikon DSLR with Vectornav VN-200 GPS (Lattitude & Longitude) + IMU (Compass Heading)

GPS (Global Positioning System) refers to a system of satellites in earth orbit, which transmit signals to devices on the ground. GPS devices detect these signals and use them to triangulate their position, heading, speed, altitude and other information. This location information can be embedded in an image to show the photographer where the camera was when the photo was taken.

Recording GPS data can be useful for the travel photographer who is always shooting on location, to be able to go into the image metadata and see exactly where an image was captured. Some photographers like to keep track of their travels on a world map; and some websites and programs incorporate maps that let you view or categorize your photos by GPS location. This is known as geotagging.

Geotagging is great for photographers who like to share with fellow photographic enthusiasts exactly where they captured a specific image, so others can find that spot and make their own images of the same subject. We also know a few photographers who like to keep their favorite shooting spots a secret and won't divulge the GPS coordinates of these locations!

Nikon DSLR Camera are commonly deliver with a 10-pin remote terminal, are capable of automatically writting geo-refferential meta-data into image headers (Exif), known as "geo-tagging".

GPS module communicate using the NMEA 0813 standard (National Marine Electronics Association).  That standard allows one-way communication from a single  talker  (the GPS module)  to several  listeners  (making it possible to connect  in parallel  devices like cameras, display units, computers or microcontrollers).

Balanced lines are recommended but the standard also allows the simple RS232-level signals which Nikon uses.  Asynchronous serial communications is performed with no handshake at 4800 bauds, 8 data bits  (bit 7 being 0)  no parity and one stop bit.

This picture below show Icon "GPS" indicating that the GPS is connected. (top screen of the Nikon D800).

In the "Setup Menu" - "GPS" - "Position" of the camera, the last position, Altitude, Heading, and the current UTC from the GPS satellites time are displayed. You can choose to automatically sync the camera to the GPS time in the menu.

Vectornav VN-200 have an internal 3-axis Compass, so the heading information is provided into display. The 3-axis Compass provides accurate data even when tilted to various angles of all 3-axis.

Nikon would be able to display and record Heading information to the EXIF header if they receive NMEA data with a "$HCHDG" prefix sentences.

HCHDG - Compass output is used on Garmin etrex summit, vista , and 76S receivers to output the value of the internal flux-gate compass. Only the magnetic heading and magnetic variation is shown in the message.

     HCHDG    Magnetic heading, deviation, variation
     101.1    heading
     ,,       deviation (no data)
     7.1,W    variation

HDG Heading–Deviation and Variation
        1   2  3  4  5 6
        |   |  |  |  | |
1) Magnetic Sensor heading in degrees
2) Magnetic Deviation, degrees
3) Magnetic Deviation direction, E = Easterly, W = Westerly
4) Magnetic Variation degrees
5) Magnetic Variation direction, E = Easterly, W = Westerly
6) checksum

User can also adding heading, pitch and roll (HPR) information to the EXIF header, but these information were not displayed into the Camera. User can read this information using software EXIF reader. This could be done if NIKON Camera receive NMEA data with a "$PTNTHPR"  prefix sentences.

HPR Transducer Measurements (proprietary data)

          1  2  3  4  5  6 7
          |  |  |  |  |  | |
2)N for Number
3)Pitch in degrees
4)N for Number
5)Roll in degrees
6)N for Number

To display and record Lattitude, Longitude, Altitude, and the current UTC from the GPS satellites time information to the EXIF header if NIKON Camera receive NMEA data with a "$GPRMC" and "$GPGGA" prefix sentences.

GGA - essential fix data which provide 3D location and accuracy data.

     GGA          Global Positioning System Fix Data
     123519       Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC
     4807.038,N   Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N
     01131.000,E  Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E
     1            Fix quality: 0 = invalid
                               1 = GPS fix (SPS)
                               2 = DGPS fix
                               3 = PPS fix
                               4 = Real Time Kinematic
                               5 = Float RTK
                               6 = estimated (dead reckoning) (2.3 feature)
                               7 = Manual input mode
                               8 = Simulation mode
     08           Number of satellites being tracked
     0.9          Horizontal dilution of position
     545.4,M      Altitude, Meters, above mean sea level
     46.9,M       Height of geoid (mean sea level) above WGS84
     (empty field) time in seconds since last DGPS update
     (empty field) DGPS station ID number
     *47          the checksum data, always begins with *

If the height of geoid is missing then the altitude should be suspect. Some non-standard implementations report altitude with respect to the ellipsoid rather than geoid altitude. Some units do not report negative altitudes at all. This is the only sentence that reports altitude.

RMC - NMEA has its own version of essential gps pvt (position, velocity, time) data. It is called RMC, The Recommended Minimum, which will look similar to:

     RMC          Recommended Minimum sentence C
     123519       Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC
     A            Status A=active or V=Void.
     4807.038,N   Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N
     01131.000,E  Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E
     022.4        Speed over the ground in knots
     084.4        Track angle in degrees True
     230394       Date - 23rd of March 1994
     003.1,W      Magnetic Variation
     *6A          The checksum data, always begins with *

At least NIKON Camera receive NMEA data with 3 prefix sentences, $GPGGA, $GPRMC, "$HCHDG" for geotagging images. Below the examples of streaming NMEA data from GPS to NIKON Camera.

Keywords: Geotagging, geo-tagging, Nikon, DSLR, D800, D810, Heading, NMEA, $GPGGA, $GPRMC, $HCHDG, $PTNTHPR, Exif header, VN-200, Vectornav.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Tutorial C# Rotate GMAP.NET Marker from Heading IMU or digital Compass

If you have a marker on Google Map which moves on a flight path/ road track but you want it to rotate when it turns. To rotate the image marker Icon from GMap.NET C#, in first create new class, add public class function named "GMapMarkerPlane"

For icon picture, create the icon and add it into resource folder.

              private readonly Bitmap icon = Resources.planetracker;

In the declaration, create new layer name from GMapOverlay:

             public static GMapOverlay routesoverlay;

Next, in main form create new layer and add it to the gmap:

            routesoverlay = new GMapOverlay("routes");

and then, add the code below in the GPS heading function (use timer 1 second or more):


            // Get the most up-to-date data received from the sensor.
            var curMeas = vn200.CurrentMeasurements;

            PointLatLng point = new PointLatLng((float)curMeas.LatitudeLongitudeAltitude.X,
            gMap.Position = point;

            var plane = new GMapMarkerPlane(point, (float)curMeas.YawPitchRoll.YawInDegs);

and finally, the Plane Marker heading will following your heading data sensor.

Keyword: Rotate GMap.NET marker, C#, heading Marker, IMU, google map marker, GPS tracking heading marker.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Tutorial Offline Google Map API using GMAP.NET Cached Maps

Pemrograman berbasis peta google map sering dibutuhkan bersamaan dengan penggunaan GPS untuk plotting posisi di peta. Dan juga untuk pemakaian di lapangan menggunakan laptop diperlukan sistem standalone yang tidak perlu terhubung dengan internet, karena kondisi di lapangan yang terkadang sulit untuk mendapatkan sinyal 3G Internet yang bagus.

Pertama kali download data citra dari googlemap menggunakan software Mission Planner pada saat PC masih terkoneksi dengan Internet. Jalankan software "Mission Planner" - pilih tab "Flight Plan" - klik kanan mouse pada center map - pilih "MP Tool" - pilih "Prefetch". Kemudian pilih area yang akan disimpan offline map nya dengan menekan tombol "ALT" + "cursor selected area".

Hasil citra offline map nya secara otomatis akan disimpan di "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mission Planner\gmapcache\TileDBv3". Kemudian copy hasil citra dari offline map ini ke working directory program windows form yang akan digunakan.

Langkah berikutnya adalah menginstal library GMap.NET, ini adalah library yang digunakan untuk menampilkan peta google map yang responsif pada aplikasi pemrograman berbasis web ataupun desktop. Silahkan download library dan source code GMap.NET disini: https://github.com/radioman/greatmaps atau disini untuk mendownload file .zip yang berisi file komponen DLL dan source code yang dibutuhkan: https://codeplexarchive.blob.core.windows.net/archive/projects/greatmaps/greatmaps.zip
GMap.NET merupakan library yang sangat bagus dan powerfull, open source/ gratis, bisa digunakan di lintas platform, dan .NET control. Pengguna dapat menggunakan routing, geocoding, dan peta dari Google, Yahoo!, Bing, OpenStreetMap, ArcGIS, Pergo, SigPac, Yandex, Mapy.cz pada pemrograman Windows Form & Presentation, support caching dan bisa dijalankan pada windows mobile.

GMap.NET yang digunakan disini adalah versi 1.7, source code juga diberikan pada link diatas, tetapi masih banyak beberapa error perlu untuk didebug supaya bisa jalan normal librarynya. Library DLL yang bisa langsung dipakai adalah "GMap.NET.Core.dll" dan "GMap.NET.WindowsForm.dll". Untuk pertama kali buat project Windows Form pada Visual Studio, di dalam project tersebut buat subfolder baru dan copy DLL diatas kedalamnya.

Kemudian supaya project windows form ini bisa menggunakan komponen baru GMap.NET, anda harus menghubungkan reference project ke file DLL dari GMap.NET. Klik-kanan tab "Reference" di dalam "Solution Explorer" dan pilih "Add Reference". Di dalam dialog "Reference Manager" gunakan "Browse" untuk mencari file DLL dari GMap.NET, dan tambahkan reference tersebut.

Reference baru dari GMap.NET akan muncul sekarang di "Solution Explorer". Sekarang anda sudah siap untuk menggunakan kontrol kode instance dari GMap.NET, akan tetapi GMap.NET Control belum muncul di Toolbox, sehingga belom bisa digunakan pada WinForm.

Untuk menambah GMap.NET ke dalam Toolbox, klik-kanan pada "Toolbox" dan pilih tab "Choose Item". 

Pada dialog "Choose Toolbox", tab ".NET Framework Components", klik "browse" untuk memasukkan file "GMap.NET.WindowsForms.dll" (file GMap.NET DLL yang lainnya tidak perlu)

Setelah itu DLL tersebut akan muncul di list dalam tab ".NET Framework Components". Perhatikan bahwa versi target Framework dari project WinForm ini harus sama dengan versi target Framework dari DLL yang diinstall.

Dalam contoh ini file DLL GMap.NET menggunakan target framework versi ".NET.Framework 4.5", sehingga setting project WinForm harus dipilih target framework versi ".NET.Framework 4.5" juga. Apabila versi target framework tidak sama, akan muncul error message seperti dibawah ini:

Untuk merubah versi ".NET framework", pada tab "Solution Explorer" pilih tab "Property", kemudian rubah target framework agar sama dengan target framework nya GMap.NET file DLL yang digunakan.

Setelah proses diatas selesai dan berhasil, tidak ada pesan error lagi yang muncul, maka Toolbox Control baru akan muncul di tab Toolbox, dan siap untuk di drag ke dalam Form.

Langkah selanjutnya adalah menampilkan peta di windows Form. Dari toolbox, pilih "GMapControl" dan drag ke project Form anda, dan peta kosong siap untuk ditampilkan pada project Form. GMap Control hanya menampilkan tanda plus merah kecil di project Form, belum ada peta nya. Dibutuhkan beberapa koding inisialisasi untuk sampai mengeluarkan gambar peta.

Pada window "Property", kita bisa mendefinisikan nama toolbox ini agar lebih sederhana yaitu "gmap", dari nama defaultnya "gMapControl1". Pada property "gmap" ini bisa mengkonfigurasikan pengaturan luar dari peta, tapi bukan pengaturan isi petanya.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa konfigurasi yang bisa dilakukan pada "property" :
  • Bearing - property ini akan memutar peta senilai angka yang disetting ke arah kiri.
  • CanDragMap - apabila diset "true", maka user dapat men "drag" /seret peta menggunakan tombol klik kanan mouse. Defaultnya adalah diset "true".
  • EmptyTileColor - porperty ini untuk memberi warna tile pada gmap apabila tidak mendapatkan gambar dari providernya peta.
  • MarkersEnabled - apabila diset "true",  maka akan ditampilkan semua marker yang didefinisikan user. Defaultnya adalah diset "true". Apabila diset "false" maka meskipun user sudah mendefinisikan marker, dipeta tidak akan muncul markernya.
  • PolygonsEnabled - sama seperti diatas untuk polygon.
  • RoutesEnabled - sama seperti diatas untuk routes.
  • ShowTileGridLines - apabila diset "true", maka GMap.NET akan menampilkan nilai koordinat pada masing-masing tiles.
  • Zoom, MinZoom, dan MaxZoom - Level Zoom pada peta yang bernilai milai 0 (level global) sampai 18 (level jalan kecil). Zoom adalah setting untuk normal zoom level (level 5 untuk level negara), sedangkan MinZoom dan MaxZoom bisa diset dari 0 ke 18 untuk user apabila ingin merubah nilai zoomnya. Zoom dirubah oleh user menggunakan mouse wheel.
Setelah ini barulah masuk ke coding.  Tambahkan code dibawah ini di awal program:

     using GMap.NET.WindowsForms;
     using GMap.NET;
     using GMap.NET.MapProviders;

Kemudian pada awal inisialisasi masukkan kode berikut untuk menentukan lokasi cache file, yaitu lokasi peta google yang sudah tersimpan offline di CPU.

           GMap.NET.GMaps.Instance.PrimaryCache = new SavedOfflineCache();

Selanjutnya masukkan map provider yg sesuai dengan map provider yang sudah disave sewaktu online:

            myGMAP1.MapProvider = GMapProviders.GoogleMap;

Dan kemudian pilih mode aksess ke map provider. Ada tiga pilihan, yaitu "ServerAndCache", "ServerOnly", dan "CacheOnly". Untuk akses ke offline Map, pilih "CacheOnly".

            myGMAP1.Manager.Mode = AccessMode.CacheOnly;

Kemudian lanjut setting posisi awal saat map dibuka, max zoom, min zoom, dan zoom awal saat map dibuka.

            myGMAP1.Position = new PointLatLng(-6.342751, 106.8566351);
            myGMAP1.MinZoom = 0;
            myGMAP1.MaxZoom = 24;
            myGMAP1.Zoom = 18;

Dan project Windows Form siap dijalankan tanpa perlu koneksi internet untuk akses peta Google map nya.

Silahkan ber experiment... apabila ada kendala silahkan diskusi disini....

Keyword: C# GMap.NET offline, GMap.NET Tutorial, cached maps, Offline Map API for C# Desktop, GMap.NET, gmapcache folder, Google Map Tiles, Google Map Offline, google map prefetch offline map, Visual Studio 2012, Windows Form, google map tile prefetch, Caching Google Maps Tiles Locally, Prefetch Offline maps, prefetch a map tile database to the local storage, for use as offline maps.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Convert GPS Time of Week and GPS Week Number to Current Datetime (Year, Month, Day, Weekday)

Sistem kalender di GPS menggunakan jumlah minggu (week number) dan jumlah detik dalam seminggu (time second of week) , dihitung sejak waktu "Epoch". Waktu GPS Epoch adalah 6 Januari 1980 waktu 00:00:00. Selanjutnya GPS akan menghitung jumlah setiap minggunya dari waktu "Epoch". Satu minggu "GPS week" ditetapkan mulai hari Minggu. CATATAN: 6 Januari 1980 adalah hari minggu pertama di tahun 1980.

Sistem kalender di komputer UNIX memiliki waktu Epoch 1 Januari 1970 waktu 00:00:00, ISO mendefinisikan minggu pertama tahun ini sebagai "Satu waktu yang berisi hari keempat Januari, yang setara dengan mengatakan bahwa itu adalah minggu pertama yang tumpang tindih dengan tahun baru setidaknya empat hari ".

Arduino library Timelib.h dari PaulStoffregen menggunakan UNIX Epoch Time (01 Jan 1970) , sedangkan GPS Epoch Time adalah 06 January 1980. Untuk itu ditambahkan offset 315964800 detik. Tambahkan lagi offset 7 jam untuk Zona Waktu Lokal Jakarta yaitu WIB, UTC +7.

Data yang diterima dari IMU adalah GPS Week dan  GPS Time of Week in Second. Rubah GPS Week ke second, dengan mengalikan GPS Week x 7 x 24 x 60 x 60. Kemudian tambahkan "GPS Week" yang sudah dalam satuan detik dengan "GPS Time of Week in Second"

Sample Streams  http://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/nmea.htm

 Garmin etrex summit outputs


Some observations as compared to the G-12:

  • Information is buffered. It is all for the same second.
  • Information is only updated every two seconds at 4800 b/s.
  • Lat/Lon numbers have an extra digit.
  • This is NMEA 2.3 data as indicated by the extra A at the end of RMC, RMB and GLL.
  • Note that the satellites in use have been shoved to the left of the GSA message instead of the slot location.
  • The RMC sentence starts the sequence.
  • Note the HCHDG sentence for the built in compass.
  • Except for the compass output this sentence list is similar for most Garmin units designed around the time of the Summit receivers, beginning with the emap. 

NMEA sentences

NMEA consists of sentences, the first word of which, called a data type, defines the interpretation of the rest of the sentence. Each Data type would have its own unique interpretation and is defined in the NMEA standard. The GGA sentence (shown below) shows an example that provides essential fix data. Other sentences may repeat some of the same information but will also supply new data. Whatever device or program that reads the data can watch for the data sentence that it is interested in and simply ignore other sentences that is doesn't care about. In the NMEA standard there are no commands to indicate that the gps should do something different. Instead each receiver just sends all of the data and expects much of it to be ignored. Some receivers have commands inside the unit that can select a subset of all the sentences or, in some cases, even the individual sentences to send. There is no way to indicate anything back to the unit as to whether the sentence is being read correctly or to request a re-send of some data you didn't get. Instead the receiving unit just checks the checksum and ignores the data if the checksum is bad figuring the data will be sent again sometime later.
There are many sentences in the NMEA standard for all kinds of devices that may be used in a Marine environment. Some of the ones that have applicability to gps receivers are listed below: (all message start with GP.)
  • AAM - Waypoint Arrival Alarm
  • ALM - Almanac data
  • APA - Auto Pilot A sentence
  • APB - Auto Pilot B sentence
  • BOD - Bearing Origin to Destination
  • BWC - Bearing using Great Circle route
  • DTM - Datum being used.
  • GGA - Fix information
  • GLL - Lat/Lon data
  • GRS - GPS Range Residuals
  • GSA - Overall Satellite data
  • GST - GPS Pseudorange Noise Statistics
  • GSV - Detailed Satellite data
  • MSK - send control for a beacon receiver
  • MSS - Beacon receiver status information.
  • RMA - recommended Loran data
  • RMB - recommended navigation data for gps
  • RMC - recommended minimum data for gps
  • RTE - route message
  • TRF - Transit Fix Data
  • STN - Multiple Data ID
  • VBW - dual Ground / Water Spped
  • VTG - Vector track an Speed over the Ground
  • WCV - Waypoint closure velocity (Velocity Made Good)
  • WPL - Waypoint Location information
  • XTC - cross track error
  • XTE - measured cross track error
  • ZTG - Zulu (UTC) time and time to go (to destination)
  • ZDA - Date and Time
Some gps receivers with special capabilities output these special messages.
  • HCHDG - Compass output
  • PSLIB - Remote Control for a DGPS receiver

Decode of selected position sentences

The most important NMEA sentences include the GGA which provides the current Fix data, the RMC which provides the minimum gps sentences information, and the GSA which provides the Satellite status data.

GGA - essential fix data which provide 3D location and accuracy data.

     GGA          Global Positioning System Fix Data
     123519       Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC
     4807.038,N   Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N
     01131.000,E  Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E
     1            Fix quality: 0 = invalid
                               1 = GPS fix (SPS)
                               2 = DGPS fix
                               3 = PPS fix
          4 = Real Time Kinematic
          5 = Float RTK
                               6 = estimated (dead reckoning) (2.3 feature)
          7 = Manual input mode
          8 = Simulation mode
     08           Number of satellites being tracked
     0.9          Horizontal dilution of position
     545.4,M      Altitude, Meters, above mean sea level
     46.9,M       Height of geoid (mean sea level) above WGS84
     (empty field) time in seconds since last DGPS update
     (empty field) DGPS station ID number
     *47          the checksum data, always begins with *
If the height of geoid is missing then the altitude should be suspect. Some non-standard implementations report altitude with respect to the ellipsoid rather than geoid altitude. Some units do not report negative altitudes at all. This is the only sentence that reports altitude.

RMC - NMEA has its own version of essential gps pvt (position, velocity, time) data. It is called RMC, The Recommended Minimum, which will look similar to:

     RMC          Recommended Minimum sentence C
     123519       Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC
     A            Status A=active or V=Void.
     4807.038,N   Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N
     01131.000,E  Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E
     022.4        Speed over the ground in knots
     084.4        Track angle in degrees True
     230394       Date - 23rd of March 1994
     003.1,W      Magnetic Variation
     *6A          The checksum data, always begins with *

HCHDG - Compass output is used on Garmin etrex summit, vista , and 76S receivers to output the value of the internal flux-gate compass. Only the magnetic heading and magnetic variation is shown in the message.

     HCHDG    Magnetic heading, deviation, variation
     101.1    heading
     ,,       deviation (no data)
     7.1,W    variation

HDG Heading–Deviation & Variation

       1 2 3 4 5 6
       | | | | | |
1) Magnetic Sensor heading in degrees
2) Magnetic Deviation, degrees
3) Magnetic Deviation direction, E = Easterly, W = Westerly
4) Magnetic Variation degrees
5) Magnetic Variation direction, E = Easterly, W = Westerly

HDT Heading–True

       12 3
       || |
1) Heading Degrees, true
2) T = True
3) Checksum

HPRTransducer Measurements (proprietary data)

1234 567
2)N for Number
3)Pitch in degrees
4)N for Number
5)Roll in degrees
6)N for Number


The checksum is the 8-bit exclusive OR (no start or stop bits)of all charactersin the sentence, including “,” and “^” delimiters, between but not including “$” or “!” and the “*” delimiters. The hexadecimal value of the most significant and least significant 4 bits of the result isconverted to two
ASCII characters (0-9, A-F (upper case)) for transmission. The most significant character is transmitted first.