Monday, August 31, 2015

google maps javascript api v3 -- remove last marker for updated gps position --

In the global scope:
var markers = [];
Then push the markers on that array as you create them:

         var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
                var image = 'aircraftsmall.png';
                var marker = new google.maps.Marker // Set the marker
                    position: myLatlng, // Position marker to coordinates
                    //position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng),
                    icon: image, //use our image as the marker
                    map: map, // assign the marker to our map variable
                    title: 'LPN-01' // Marker ALT Text

 Then to remove them:


Completed code:

         var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
                var image = 'aircraftsmall.png';
                var marker = new google.maps.Marker // Set the marker
                    position: myLatlng, // Position marker to coordinates
                    //position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng),
                    icon: image, //use our image as the marker
                    map: map, // assign the marker to our map variable
                    title: 'LPN-01' // Marker ALT Text

google maps javascript api v3 -- create Radius from center position --

            var image = 'aircraftsmall.png';
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker // Set the marker
                position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng),
                icon: image, //use our image as the marker
                map: map, // assign the marker to our map variable
                title: 'LPN-01' // Marker ALT Text
            circle = new google.maps.Circle
                fillColor: '#00f',
                fillOpacity: 0.1,
                strokeColor: '#00f',
                strokeOpacity: 0.1,
            circle.bindTo('center', marker, 'position');

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Jual Stop Kontak Listrik dengan colokan USB Charging / USB Wall Socket / AC Wall outlet with USB charging ports

Dengan semakin banyaknya perangkat perangkat yang menggunakan USB untuk charging baterenya, maka sudah semakin dibutuhkan di cafe-cafe, kantor, dan bahkan rumah untuk memiliki outlet seperti USB- soket untuk charging sistem.

Stop kontak yang digunakan disini adalah sistem tanam dengen ukuran 86x86 mm

Jenis Colokan yang bisa digunakan adalah tipe Universal, yaitu bisa digunakan untuk colokan standart USA/JAPAN (pipih 2, bulet 1), atau yang China/ Australia (pipih 3 miring), atau yang Europe (bulat 2), bahkan yang UK (pipih 3 lurus).

Stop kontak / colokan listrik dinding / electric wall socket + 2port USB charger

Electrical Characteristics: AC110-250Volt/10A
Dimensi : 86 x 86 mm
Panel material : High Quality PC material
Inside material : Tin phosphorous bronze
Dual USB Output : Current max 2100 mA
USB Output Voltage: 5V 5%

Bisa untuk charging HP Android, Blackberry, IPhone

Harga Rp.  75.000,- (Stok 10pcs)
Hubungi YM:

Keyword: Toko Online, Stop kontak Listrik, USB charging port, USB Wall Socket, AC Wall outlet with USB charging ports, Stop Kontak Listrik dengan colokan USB Charging, Stop Kontak Universal plus USB port

Jual Penyiram Toilet Otomatis / Automatic Urinal Flusher Flush Valve

Alat Penyiram Toilet kencing otomatis  adalah suatu alat yang ditambahkan pada toilet kencing yang secara otomatis akan menyiram air apabila terdeteksi ada kehadiran orang yang mendekati toilet tersebut, setelah seseorang tersebut meninggalkan lokasi sistem juga secara otomatis menyiramkan air kembali.

Sensor yang digunakan pada alat ini adalah Sensor Passive Infra Red (PIR) yang akan mendeteksi suhu tubuh manusia/ kehadiran seseorang. Untuk mengeluarkan dan menutup air digunakan selenoid valve, supply tegangan didapatkan dari batere AA alkaline sebanyak 4pcs yg diinstall didalam alat ini. Supply tegangan bisa juga diperoleh dari AC adaptor 6V DC out.

Stool sensor solenoid flush valve sensor toilet sensor fittings
Power supply: DC6V or AC220V (4*AA alkaline batteries or transformer)
With solenoid valve for flusher
Water pressure: 0.05-0.7Mpa
With supply hose and induction line
Long life: 4*AA alkaline batteries can be used for 2 years based on 200 cycles every day
Infrared Sensor fittings: Water flows out when you enter the detection zone and stop immediately once you leave
Induction area: 0-100cm (60cm of factory set-up), permissible error 15%
Induction time: 1 second, no flush less than 1 second
Flush time: 2-4 second at first flush, 5-8 second at second flush whenleaving
Automatic flush function: supply 6-8 second flush if there's no induction for 24 hours
Water flow rate: total 3L each flush with water pressure 0.1MPa0.01Mpa
Maximun instantaneous flow: 15LPM

Sensor Window
the size is 135mm x135mm
control panel :stainless steel material

Harga Rp. 750.000,- (Stok 5pcs)


Email/YM :

Whatsapp : Order Penyiram Toilet Otomatis/ Automatic Urinal Flusher Flush Valve

Tokopedia: Penyiram Toilet Otomatis/ Automatic Urinal Flusher Flush Valve

Keyword: Toko Online, Toilet Otomatis, Kloset Otomatis, Penyiram Toilet Otomatis, Automatic Urinal Flusher, Flush Valve, Automatic Flush

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Visual Studio CPP Building Error: " error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A000102) "extern "C" int __stdcall "

If you face the same problem with me about this error, please try this ones.
I'm using Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 with C++ CLR Console Application.

This is the Compiler error message:

1>------ Build started: Project: ConsoleApplication1, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>ConsoleApplication1.obj : error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A000102) "extern "C" int __stdcall McOpenDriver(char const *)" (?McOpenDriver@@$$J14YGHPBD@Z) referenced in function "int __cdecl main(int,char * * const)" (?main@@$$HYAHHQAPAD@Z)
1>ConsoleApplication1.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "extern "C" int __stdcall McOpenDriver(char const *)" (?McOpenDriver@@$$J14YGHPBD@Z) referenced in function "int __cdecl main(int,char * * const)" (?main@@$$HYAHHQAPAD@Z)
1>c:\users\laboptics\documents\visual studio 2012\Projects\ConsoleApplication1\Debug\ConsoleApplication1.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

This error indicated that the compiler need to linked the program with the necessary windows library. The program cannot execute "extern "C" int __stdcall McOpenDriver(char const *)" because this is an extern C command and need to be linked with the imported library, in this case I'll using "multicam.lib" library.

Select from the menu:  "Project -> Properties " ( Alt+F7 )

In the property pages in the tree on the left select: Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input

In the right hand pane check:  Additional Dependencies

It should contain these library already:
  • kernel32.lib 
  • user32.lib
  • gdi32.lib
  • winspool.lib
  • comdlg32.lib
  • advapi32.lib
  • shell32.lib
  • ole32.lib
  • oleaut32.lib
  • uuid.lib
  • odbc32.lib
  • odbccp32.lib
but  "int __stdcall McOpenDriver(char const *) " requires multicam.lib.

Now fill the " Additional Dependencies" tab with the required library:
        multicam.lib; %(AdditionalDependencies)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jual Thermocopel Type K model WRN-122 0-1300℃

    Ini adalah Alumina ceramic thermocouple type K WRN-122 dengan panjang 300mm. Material menggunakan bahan Corundum dapat mendeteksi suhu sampai maksimum 1300 ℃. Tabung proteksi Corundum lebih kuat daripada pipa stainless steel. pipa stainless steel nya sepanjang 140mm.

Harga Rp. 200.000,- (Stok 1pcs)
Order via Tokopedia: 
Hubungi YM:
Keyword: Toko Online, Thermocouple K, Termokopel K, Sensor Suhu,0-1300℃, WRN-122, Thermocouple, Termokopel, Jual sensor suhu, Jual Termokopel.

Monday, March 26, 2012

RFM12BP FSK transceiver Module 500watt dari HopeRF

RFM12BP adalah module FSK transceiver dengan band ISM 433MHz yang memiliki rangkaian amplifier dengan daya output 500mW.
Module wireless ini harganya terjangkau yang sudah memiliki transmitter dan receiver dalam satu module.
Frekuensi transmitter dan receiver module ini adalah 433MHz band 2,5kHz step dgn min=430,24 MHz dan max = 439,75MHz. Kristal yang digunakan adalah 10MHz.


  • High output power with 500mW
  • High input sensitivity with -116dBm
  • Low costing, high performance and price ratio
  • PLL and zero IF technology
  • Fast PLL lock time
  • High resolution PLL with 2.5 KHz step
  • High data rate (up to 115.2 kbps with internal demodulator��with external RC filter highest data rate is 256 kbps)
  • 50 OHM antenna input/output
  • Programmable TX power
  • Programmable TX frequency deviation (From 15 to 240 KHz)
  • Programmable receiver bandwidth (From 67 to 400 kHz)
  • Analog and digital signal strength indicator (ARSSI/DRSSI)
  • Automatic frequency control (AFC)
  • Data quality detection (DQD)
  • Internal data filtering and clock recovery
  • RX synchron pattern recognition
  • SPI compatible serial control interface
  • Clock and reset signal output for external MCU use
  • 16 bit RX Data FIFO
  • Two 8 bit TX data registers
  • Standard 10 MHz crystal reference
  • Wakeup timer
  • 2.2V - 3.8V power supply for FSK IC, 12V power supply for power amplifier
  • Standby current less than 0.3µA
  • Supports very short packets (down to 3 bytes)

Typical Application

  • Remote control
  • Remote sensor
  • Wireless data collection
  • Home security system
  • Toys
Datasheet: RFM12BP.PDF
Harga Rp. 200.000,- (Stok 2pcs)
Hubungi YM:
Keyword: Toko Online, RF Module, HopeRF, FSK Transceiver Module 500mW